School Health and Wellness
- It is our goal to provide students with the safest and most welcoming learning environment possible. Milestones and life events are very important in a child's development and we enjoy celebrating successes with the students. As a school community we do ask that unsolicited foods NOT be brought into the school or classroom.
- We acknowledge those important events with special activities that help stimulate the brain through projects and physical activity! Of course, there are special times of year that we do celebrate a holiday or accomplishment but we ask that work with your child's teacher to determine if a specific food is appropriate for the celebration.
- Please visit the links below for our Health and Wellness Policy and Regulation. We are in the process of updating our regulation to match new guidelines stated in the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. If you have any comments specific to updating the regulation please reach out to Brittany Layman, RN. [email protected]
JL-School Wellness-Policy Statement
school wellness regulation
Thank you for your help in Growing Great Minds!!