Message from the Principal
Dear McGraw Families,
On behalf of the staff of the Earl C. McGraw School, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! We are fortunate and grateful to learn and grow in a community that provides our school with an outpouring of support. From community members, families, volunteers, organizations, PTO, and many more who give their time and efforts to our students and staff, we thank you.
Our goal at McGraw is to meet the needs of our students to help them grow and achieve as learners, develop social skills, and engage as members of a school community. In order to achieve this goal, it is critical that teachers, families, and administrators communicate openly and frequently about the progress of our students. Working together, we can best support the growth of each student at McGraw.
At McGraw and in RSU 22, we encourage families and community members to get involved in our school. We love to share what we are doing within our walls and always need an extra hand. Please check our bi-monthly McGraw Minutes and stay in contact with your child’s teacher on volunteer opportunities both during and outside of the school day. We encourage parents and caregivers to become and stay involved in their child’s education. We are also fortunate to have a passionate and supportive Parent Teacher Organization that we collaborate with regularly for community building events.
Please take the time to review our Student/Parent Handbook so that you understand our procedures on routine things like: what to do when your child is absent from school, dismissal plans, and health information.
We look forward to seeing your child when school resumes this fall and all of the excitement and adventures that a new school year brings!
Together, let’s make it a great year!
Matt Lindemann, Principal
Electronic Backpack