Winter Landscapes across the grades.

Kindergarten students practiced media control using pastel and crayon on gray paper. The students practice coloring parallel, horizontal lines to draw the snow and symmetrical diagonal lines to create the trees. The gray paper allows them to see that the sky comes down to the ground and creates a horizon line.
First Grade students draw the horizon line first and paint the sky down to the ground. They practice painting skills by keeping colors clean to create the colorful sky. The students also create distance by making larger and smaller trees.

Second Grade students continue practice creating landscapes that show distance while also working with value. The students practice creating light, medium and dark values with white crayon, pastel and colored pencil on black paper, first with the snowman drawing and then in their nighttime winter landscape drawings.

posted 3/18/19
This webpage is a work in progress. The goal is to exhibit the wonderful work all the students do in art class. In time I hope that all students will have some work displayed here.
Bulletin Boards at School
All Grade learned Origami this winter, Kindergarten students made paper gingerbread men and the first grade painted snowy winter landscapes.posted 3/3/19

Mrs.Baileys's First Grade
First Grade students practice their paper folding and rolling skills while they compose original designs.
Not only are students developing their fine motor skills but they are making many decisions to determine how they want to construct and compose their designs.

posted 1/30/19

The art program at McGraw School was expanded to include Kindergarten and First Grade 2 years ago. It has been a pleasure to return to McGraw as the Art teacher after over 20 years at the Academy. The art program at McGraw is guided by district wide curricular art standards. The program is exploratory. The students are exposed to various media, art vocabulary and skills. It is designed to encourage creative thinking while teaching students skills and vocabulary. Everyday I look forward to seeing how each student solves the challenges that I provide them in art class. Everyday the students impress and marvel me with their creativity and skill. This site is intended to allow everyone to see the beautiful work the children are doing in art class.
Sincerely Bethany Hanson
posted 1/30/19